Nxt Museum

︎︎︎brand identity
︎︎︎generative design
︎︎︎motion design
︎︎︎editorial design
︎︎︎environmental graphics
︎︎︎web design

Nxt Museum is the first museum in the Netherlands dedicated to new media art.

The new identity expands on the idea of digital art and its characteristics, and with the new generative identity, the audience could have a more direct understanding of digital platforms as well as celebrate new media art as it evolves. In this project, I explored how I can use technology as a medium for brand identity design and audience experiences, as well as exploring different design displays such as print, web, and spatial design.


I designed four grid-based typefaces and an interface using coding in Processing that allows the typefaces to generate a random mix


A series of brand identity and exhibition posters. Because the Nxt Museum is a physical museum, I wanted to incorporate the physicality of the museum with the digital based visual system by layering type, graphic elements, and images. I used the interface I developed in the posters, and I also used a plug-in for InDesign, basil.js, that allows me to design directly with coding in JavaScript


A series of informational posters. A calendar poster (left) that contains all of the past and current events at the Nxt Museum. I used the four typefaces as the symbols to represent each event category


An exhibition catalogue binded with paper fasteners, and a French fold of all events on the cover. I used basil.js to generate the random placements of the smaller images on the artists’ names pages


Visual identity applied in postcards, tickets, and wristbands. I used randomly generated sentences with the random mix of typefaces in the postcards to further enhance the digital aspects of new media art

Spatial designs


The bold visual language finds it place to be seen large in the environment


One of the graphic elements is applied at the entrance of the museum. It is used as a guide to lead the audience into the world of digital art



I incorporated the mixing of typefaces as the hover states in the website, and the treatment in the events poster as the “plan your visit” section


A brief overview of the development and application of the generative identity


Click here to view Noise Lab, the physical experience I designed for Nxt Museum.

© Lillian Zhang 2023. All rights reserved.